This item has argan oil and I've been trying everything that I see that is affordable that has argan oil. I just want to see if this is a good additive or just a trendy thing. Other sites have listed this item as having hyaluronic acid which I like to use anyway to enhance the moisturizing properties of whatever I use right afterwards.
The Rating: ★★★☆☆
I liked this mask because of the moisturizing. It has a stronger fragrance than I prefer. For many, this will not be a problem. For me, fragrance of any kind, even if it's pleasant to me, can be a problem.The fluid was kind of soupy. I'm not sure of any other way to describe it. After I removed the mask, and tapped the rest of the product in, it appeared to take over an hour to absorb into the skin and felt tacky for way too long. I went out for the evening and it still felt a little tacky, hours later. I'm not entirely sure what that means. Was my skin not able to take the product?
Another issue with this product was that it contains parabens. I'm kind of ok with this, but who is to say that my itchy eyes was not due to that. Hard to know. For this reason, I am giving it 3 stars. I may try it again. I have another to use. If that trial goes well, I'll be sure to let you know.
If you've tried this product and had similar or different results, please comment below!
Update: I've tried this mask a second time, and with good results. The fragrance was not irritating the second time and I felt that the mask did a great job with moisturizing. No irritation the next day and I felt that the results were lasting.